What is the "trucking" exercise?
Anecdotal Story: I've always been a fan of bodyweight exercises, rotating daily versions of pull-ups, push-ups, and dips.
I'm 61. I recently used to be able to do about 8 pull-ups, easily 30 or so push-ups, and 10 dips. I'd try to get in 3 sets spaced out over the day.
Then I had posterior spinal fusion surgery (C3 to C6) for spinal cord compression. Surgery and recovery went well. I was in a neck brace for 4 months and on strict instructions to avoid any heavy lifting.
Once I got the neck brace off, I tried a push-up.
Oh, my g$#! I could barely do one; it was a struggle. I couldn't believe how much strength I lost. Slowly I progressed and am now up to 15 (at 6 months out since surgery). I've got my dips up from 0 to about 5.
At the 6 month mark, I tried a push-up. Not happening, not even close. Simply not possible.
My New Year resolves to get a few pull-ups back into my routine.