Member-only story
My story with cancer.
What or when is Day 1 with cancer, the first symptom, the first diagnosis, the first treatment?
Better yet when is the last day? Does that even ever occur? More on that later. Hint — its never over.
This article is about the beginning, up to the day that I knew things would be different.
D ark clouds are coming.
My first sign of cancer occurred after a routine business trip in late May of 2015. Shortly after the trip, I noticed I had a minor sore throat. I wrote it off to a typical instance occurring after a crowded flight.
Little did I know at the time, and for some time to come (11 months), that this was the beginning.
The minor sore throat persisted and I first went to the Doctor on June 10, 2015. What ensued thereafter was months of self-diagnosis, various doctor appointments, and stress trying to find out what was going on.
My persistent sore throat would come and go. Just when I thought it was done it would come back. There did not appear to be a pattern. It also felt, for lack of a better explanation, weird — just…