Member-only story
Life IS a competition (there ARE winners and losers), But…
Read an article ( about capitalism (versus socialism) and had an insight. We, as individuals, peoples, and societies have always been, and always will be, in conflict.
Call it good versus evil, shy vs bold, liberal versus conservative, progressive versus moderate, pretty versus “ugly”, smart versus “dumb”, healthy versus sick, weak versus strong, black versus white, rich versus poor, urban versus rural, county versus rock, west coast versus east coast, south versus north, democracy vs dictatorship, soft versus hard, young versus old, male versus female (or female versus male-see, that’s one right there), politically correct versus offensive.
Free versus enslaved, OSX versus windows, stocks versus bonds, many versus few. Believer versus atheists, Christian versus Muslim (or just fill in the blanks on this one). Depressed versus elated, happy versus sad. Yin and Yang.
The list goes on….
Pretending otherwise is folly.
The first step in progress is acceptance.
It would be good to borrow the Hippocratic oath, “primum non nocere”. First, do no harm.
But…back to the beginning… YOU get to define winning.
My hope is you, and I, then realize it’s not about winning at all.
PS — Cancer will do this to you (make you think, reflect, mature, grow up — quick).